SEO Best Practices should involve Happy Trails

Black Hat Marketing: Make sure your website isn’t using unethical SEO tactics

Search Engine Optimization; if you have a website you should know this phrase well. Everyone wants to get found. In fact, that’s one of the main reason’s that we are online. Before we can start relationships, build clientele and market our product or service we need to be found. If you are in business and you have a website, you more than likely are taking part in some type of SEO.  But would your site fall under the category of  Soul Man and the Blues Brothers, or Roy Rogers and Happy Trails? Perhaps the lines aren’t so black and white and your website falls in the Johnny Depp category below.

The following seven user generated definitions are compliments of Wikipedia. All the hyperlinks connect to further Wikipedia definitions.
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21 Secrets Of Successful Websites

Conversion presentation by Jeffrey Eisenberg

Look out Austinites! There’s a new kid in town. Renown marketing consultant, Jeffrey Eisenberg, author of multiple books (listed below), web analytics specialist, professional speaker, and conversion king is relocating to Austin, Texas. I met Jeffrey last week at the local SEO Meetup after watching his presentation: 21 Secrets of Top Converting Websites. He’s a down to earth guy that really understands the personas of people who buy online; a great addition to the marketing community of Austin.

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Social Media Helps Nonprofits Prosper

This month’s Austin Social Media Club featured a panel of nonprofit movers and shakers who answered questions from David Neff (another local nonprofit rock star) about how they utilize social media within their organizations. Although the topics vary from month to month, I noticed from the first club meeting I attended that social media for social good is always an underlying theme. Sure, people want to grow their businesses and grow their networks using social media, but using social media tools to facilitate a call to action, is what Austin Social Media Club does best. Whether you’re talking about @ConnieReece and The Frozen Pea Fund, or @MikeChapman and Mobile Loaves & Fishes, @MichelleGreer and the hugely successful Austin Charity Water Twestival or @daveiam and Lights. Camera.Help., it’s all about making a difference.

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Socialnomics – A Wake Up Call

It’s a people driven economy stupid” ~ Erik Qualman

You don’t have to join the Revolution, but it is happening, whether you acknowledge it or not.

Erik Qualman is the author of a new book called Socialnomics: How social media transforms the way we live and do business. Erik is a pretty smart guy who graduated from my alma mater, The University of Texas at Austin, with an MBA just ten years ago. His compelling promotional video is a real eye opener.

Recently, Qualman spoke about Socialnomics at the Book Expo America convention, the largest book publishing event in North America. Here’s a video clip from his BEA 2009 presentation in May where he shares some interesting facts about Wiki’s and Facebook. Continue reading Socialnomics – A Wake Up Call

Why Simple Websites Work

i_heart_swI love simple websites. While in the middle of a making a website transition a couple years ago, a friend recommended Don’t Make Me Think – A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability by Steve Krug. I found it incredibly useful. Steve gets straight to the point, and even throws in a bit of humor while telling you what you really need to know. It’s a must read for web designers and anyone who has a website. Don’t Make Me Think goes beyond web design and explains web usability, something many designers forget to consider. You want your website to look good, but more importantly, you want people to easily find their way around, i.e. don’t make them think!

In his book Steve says, “In the past five years I’ve spent a lot of time watching people use the Web, and the thing that has struck me most is the difference between how we think people use Web sites and how they actually use them.”

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