I DO NOT recommend GoDaddy for hosting. When clients come to me with a GoDaddy website, I recommend that they move it to ANHosting aff or BlueHost aff or find someone else to help them with their site. I will not work on a site hosted by GoDaddy.
TIP: If you haven’t purchased the domain that you want for your main website, don’t purchase at GoDaddy. When you sign up with either ANHosting or BlueHost you get one free domain. That means that you’ll never have to pay for that domain again as long as your hosting account is active.
NOTE: Once you are signed up with ANhosting or Bluehost you can have as many websites as you want at no additional fee. Unlimited band width and space too!
GoDaddy IS hard to beat for domain pricing though. And they make it easy to search domains aff and see what’s available.
If you are new to GoDaddy start by clicking this link aff and sign up or click the button below. :)